
C3 - C3 Services
Joint team C3


Investigate. Evaluate. Remediate.


The surprise audit or by appointment is a form of evaluation designed to check on the field ground, if protocols and trade policies are followed by staff.

Using a rubric specifically designed, the agent is able to provide a score to personnel and correct on the field non conformant matters at the end of his tour of the premises.

Taking advantage of these interventions, a certificate of satisfaction and rewards can be given to staff on site.

Mystery Shopping (Incognito Evaluation)

Mystery shopping is an incognito survey designed to assess performance and it can be done by one person or a team of people. The mystery shopper reflects the demographic profile of the average customer of an institution and can even be a regular customer.

The activity of an establishment, the number of employees and customers are factors that will determine the type of evaluation, and frequency which can vary by several days to a few times a year.

Typically, a different mystery shopper is sent to each assessment, unless otherwise directed by the client.

The mystery shopper can among other things, measure the quality of customer service and / or the products, the time of service, staff knowledge, sales techniques, the effectiveness of the display, advertising, cleanliness and safety of the premises, prices,  verification of trade policies for the client’s business or that of the competitor.

The mystery shopping can be done in the field, called: walk-in, by phone, known as: phone-in (recorded or not) or via the web, consequently called web-in.

Reward Program

Rewarding employees for a job well done will spur their enthusiasm toward your quality control objectives.

Our reward program consists of delivering certificates of merit, trophies or excellence pins, either on the field or at corporate events. We also supply by mail, in personalized gift envelopes.

Always appreciated by the staff, the quest for these awards becomes contagious in the workplace. This positive form of competition; especially if you accompany it with an annual premium; will motivate your staff.

Customer's Interview (Poll)

The customer interview is intended to measure the degree of customers’ satisfaction.  This form of one on one survey with clients is to determine, what they value, complain about and expect of your establishment or your competition.

Interviews can be conducted at the cash register, outside the establishment or in the parking lot. They can also be done by telephone and recorded.

Taking advantage of this opportune moment with customers, an appreciation gift as a thank you may be given to the interviewee at the end of the opinion gathering which allows you to heighten customers’ loyalty.

Data analysis

All the market research results are presented in the form of comparative tables. Our system allows real time display at any time and at a glance, to measure performance and identify problems quickly and efficiently in complete confidentiality.

Managing Customer Complaints and Recovery

Dealing with complaints can be a difficult task, especially when it comes to conflicts between the needs of clients and the capacities of the institutions.

An impartial point of view and a good listener can resolve conflicts so that each party is benefiting. As they say: ''The customer is always right'' or almost!
And generally, sometimes a little is often enough to satisfy the customer and get them back.

Customer Service Training

Though there are countless training programs on the market, the best training for your staff is the application of a customized protocol specifically identified.

Our training, is based on typical situations and approaches proper to your daily business, are lively and above all, very memorable.

A reinforced protocol to the point where it becomes a reflex, that’s our goal, because that's when your employees can perform their work in an exemplary manner with an approach as unique as their personalities.

Special Investigations

When there is a suspicion of a problem and it is impossible to be detected by an outsider, an internal investigation is in order. Our special agents will manage to determine the source of the problem and offer you resolutions.

Personnel Service for Special Events

Whether it is in a single outlet or two thousand point of sales targeted across the country, whether it is the distribution of new products or samples, or whether it is a promotional campaign, our dynamic team will represent you in a professional and exemplary way.

Whatever the project, the delivery will be effective and memorable.

Recruitment Service (Headhunter)

The solution to improve performance is sometimes in the restructuring of human resources, staff reorientation or even the dismissal of employees.

Our recruitment or headhunting service will strengthen your team with the best players in your industry.

Serving Institutions in the following Fields:

Casinos / Gaming / Alcohol (Test Minors)
Daycare / Hospitals
Financial Institutions/Banks
Insurance Companies
Residences/Homes / Condos / Apartments
Specialized Boutiques

Pour more information, contact us.

Our team of experts is here for you.