1-866-816-8467 | 514-816-8467
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The audit or surprise appointment is a form of assessment aimed at checking on the premises, if the protocols and trade policies are respected by staff.

Evaluation Grid

Based on an evaluation grid specifically designed, the agent is able to provide a score to personnel and rectify nonconforming points at the end of his tour.

During these interventions, a satisfaction certificate and awards may be given to staff to highlight its excellence.

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Q&A Audit 

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How much does a C3 audit cost?

The cost of an audit depends on 4 major factors: if audits are done internally or by outside representatives, the geographic locations, the time required per location and whether or not the audits are time-sensitive.

What are the types of audits offered at C3?

C3 offers audits relating to retail businesses and the food industry. We check merchandising, prices, security measures as well as the implementation strategies for loss prevention.

Can we have our own staff audit our company with the C3logik system?

Yes, audits may be conducted by either one or several of your field representatives.


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Open Hours

Monday through Friday: 8am to 10pm

Saturday & Sunday: 8am to 6pm

Phone & Email

1 866 816-8467 | 514 816-8467
