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Customer Interviews

Improving your customer experience necessarily involves listening to what your consumers have to say.

C3’s Survey

See through your customers’ eyes!

The customer interview is intended to measure the degree of customers’ satisfaction.  This form of one on one survey with clients determines, what they value, complain about and expect of your establishment or your competition.

Interviews can be conducted at the cash register, outside the establishment or in the parking lot. They can also be done by telephone and recorded.

Taking advantage of this special time with customers, a gift may also be given at the end of the interview as a sign of appreciation which allows you to heighten customers’ loyalty.

To learn more about C3’s services

1 + 8 =

Interviews are a great way to discover customers needs but, they are effective only if the interviewed are questioned in the right place at the right time with the right questions.


Q&A Interviews

Improve my customer experience

What are the types of customer interviews offered at C3?

Customer interviews are conducted one-on-one while customers are shopping, or at cash-out. They can also be done by phone as a customer service follow-up.

What are C3 customer interviews used for?

Interviews are a great way to go deep into the needs of your customers. You get to ask specific questions that will generate information you need to make decisions about your product or service. They also can be very helpful for customer recovery, turning an upset customer into a happy and satisfied one.

How much does it cost per interview at C3?

The cost of an interview depends if it is done on location, by phone and the time required to collect data depending on the number of customers to contact or customer traffic.


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Monday through Friday: 8am to 10pm

Saturday & Sunday: 8am to 6pm

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1 866 816-8467 | 514 816-8467
